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So I'm back at it again. And I think it's going to be for the last time. I'm arranging one last showing of "Bible Camp" at Abbott Loop in Anchorage, March 28, 7pm. Well, I've already arranged it, and am pretty much ready to go with everything. Just need to put some things together, and I'll be all ready to go with plenty of time to spare. So here's the thing, I need as many proponents with all this as I can get. I have three freshly updated trailers, a new 6 minute featurette where I actually sit IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA and explain why I made this DVD, and how important it is for people in Alaska to take care of their own. These are all posted on youtube, at , and will be available on a special DVD, which will also include a 4 minute clip from the full-length DVD. I need y'all to talk to the people at your church and tell them you can get a DVD with all the info they'd need, posters and fliers to hang, and a butt-load of postcards as a way to support ministry in the interior (and also Christian documentary filmmaking, eh?). Seriously, let's get on the ball with all this. It'll all be available in Alaska within the week if you wish to hand-deliver the goods. Tell your friends, tell your family, tell your congressman, tell your mailman, tell your grocer (is there such a thing anymore?) Tell people to go to the Bible Camp myspace page ( and become a friend, and go onto youtube and subscribe to my channel, or at least take a look at it. I no longer have the energy or resources to keep doing this, as it's certainly not bringing in enough capital to keep it going, so I'm planning on making this my last showing, at least the last one I organize myself. It's time to move forward, but not without one last hurrah. So mark it on your calendar, March 28, 7pm, Abbott Loop. Last chance to see it on a big screen, and let me tell you, it looks pretty sweet on the screen at Abbott Loop. Anyway, there it is. Enjoy.