Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Still Alive

I was on a roll for a week or two, no? Granted, that was a couple months ago, and since then I've completely abandoned this here bliggity-blog. What do you do?

This has been one of the busiest times I can remember. Ever. I'm quite accustomed to having significantly more free time. Well, maybe I think I'm accustomed to that. The last time I had broad plains of free time was probably a couple years ago at least. I just like to think it's something I can have in my everyday workaday life. Truth is, I'm in complete denial about my ability to take time for myself. It's something I have to approach with a much greater degree of seriousness. I could go on and on about the mundane minutiae of my life, or how it's completely changed in the last months leading up to our wedding. I mostly want everybody to know I'm still alive, mostly, and that I'm aching for a time when we're not using all of our resources 100% of the time. I really will try not to completely abandon this thing for another two months, but I make no guarantees.

Peace be with you.
