Sunday, May 10, 2009

Work is Good, Prayer is Better

Hey everybody!

So I haven't written in a week and a half or so, and for that I make a very weak apology. Very weak.

I've been very busy the last couple weeks with PAYING work, something that doesn't happen all that often. I'm learning about specific prayer, and praying for work has proven God faithful. Which brings me to my next couple of points. I've been thinking and praying more about moving back to Portland, and ask you all to pray with me. My desire is to get hooked up with videographers and photographers in Portland, see if I can work on multiple wedding videos this summer. Please help me pray about making the right connections. I have two weddings lined up already, and if you know anyone near Portland or Bend who's getting married this summer and needs a videographer, please let me know. I'm also praying about procuring some new videography equipment, the most significant of which is a new video camera which will be perfect for my future work with Pioneers. (In case you're curious to know which camera I'm hoping for, it's Sony's PMW-EX1) It's a spendy piece of gear, but will give me a great tool for telling stories in a transparent way. Recently I invested in a software package that is freeing me up to be creative in media, another huge blessing. Check out my little experiment using the new software.

This past week I was offered a chance to speak to a group of people from my dad's church. I didn't intend to talk for an hour straight, but there were many questions and I was feeling talkative. It was a really great time, perhaps a foreshadowing of what Mandi and I hope to do later this summer, a kind of house-party tour. I put together a bit of my footage from Thailand to show as well. I know the people there now have a really good idea of how they can pray for me, and it was a time of refreshing as my thoughts came out my mouth and helped me to more fully understand what it is that God is calling me to do. It was great. Special thanks to Bob and Colleen for being such gracious and generous supporters, even inviting me to their house to talk to a Bible study group.

Thanks to all of you who continue to join me in prayer. It's a huge blessing and a great source of humility. Goodness knows I need a generous helping of humility now and again.


1 comment:

lori said...

That's the best bicycle-riding stick guy I ever saw.