Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Blob


My friend Fritz (he's a fantastic photographer - invited me to Younglife's Wildhorse Canyon for the day. It's an amazing place, out in the middle of nowhere. There's a pretty amazing story behind its becoming a camp, though I only know second/third-hand info, so it's probably better to get it elsewhere. So we went out and played like a couple of kids. One of the more fun parts of the day was launching Fritz on the blob. I weigh 80 pounds more than him, which has a spectacular effect. Enjoy the video.


Jared said...

That's awesome. I'll be at Wildhorse myself in a few weeks for Multnomah's school wide retreat. I can only hope to find a 310 pound friend to launch me skyward in a similar manner as yourself and Frtiz were able to achieve. Also, I love the choice of mandolin and a thousand humming Dayn's as background music. Peppy.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jared - the music was sensational.

Also, I liked the part where you said you were gonna cut out all the audio. Oh, the irony...

My Middle Name is "Gerous" said...

The music is a preview of coming attractions. It's one idea that'll be on the album I'm going to start recording soon. Woo hoo!