Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A wonderful girl and a silly video. That is all.

Hey everybody. Sorry I've been ausente for so long. I've been a little distracted. And by "little," I mean "largely." And by "distracted" I mean "negligent." I don't usually talk about my relationships on my blog, but there's a certain special someone these days. "She's great" is the understatement of the century, but unfortunately you're not going to get me to post a whole lot more than that on here right now. I'm open about my own life's journey, but not as open with relationship stuff on here. Too impersonal. Anyway, it's a good thing. And by "it's" I mean "she's." And by "good thing" I mean "incredible blessing." So I made her a special video while she's away. I'm posting it here for your viewing (albeit quasi-voyeuristic viewing) enjoyment. That is all.



lori said...

Hi Dayn. Got your email. We too am finding that new girls take up a lot of time; I completely understand the blogging negligence. But how exciting, Dayn! We can't wait to meet this special, vague someone.

I was browsing around on yourspace to see if I could detect a photo or shred of information. You've done a great job to keep voyeurism at a minimum, or rather successful voyeurism. I did see, however, that Drew is engaged. Dang! The Arnold boys are on the move.

Take care and keep in touch.

lori said...

Don't know why I didn't comment this before, but I liked your video a lot. Jason did too.

You are cool.

Amy said...

loved your video!