Thursday, October 18, 2007

Woo hoo!!!!!


Free Counter

So apparently there are all these beautiful single people out there! I know they're out there because myspace and facebook tell me they're there. And all these beautiful people are just so desperate to meet possible romance, they all have congregated on these internet dating sites! And apparently the same people who were single six months ago are still single! I can tell by their pictures, or those really insightful little videos that appear on my web page. So logic tells me that most single people out there are terribly beautiful, and that in order to find these people I will need to join the club. Or clubs. This is the greatest discovery since the world's first discovery was made! What a strange and beautiful place we live in! So says the internet...


Unknown said...

wow! That was funny, yet very likely true. Thanks for the insight.

jessi said...

Congratulations on your discovery! That'll be $9.99 please. Weekly. Until you seal the deal. Then you have to name your first born E. Harmony and send him to the temple of the internet dating god until he comes of age.