Saturday, October 6, 2007


So I have a question for both of you who read my blogs. As you know, my blogs tend to be quite long. The last one was three pages when I typed it in Word. So my question is this: are they too long? Or, if you prefer, would shorter blogs be more enjoyable or interesting? One reason I want to know is that a long blog takes around two hours to write, which is a lot of time to spend on a regular basis, which is why my blogs only come every couple weeks or months or so. I'd love to write more regularly, but it's quite an investment for me. Anyway, let me know. Thanks.



Anonymous said...

shorter is easier to read. longer is fine every once in a while. I would rather read more often. I'm proud to read whatever you write.

jessi said...

Dear Dayn,

I understand your "quantity over quality" dilemma and am no stranger to it myself. I've come to the conclusion that while I do not want the blog to be my life (because really what kind of a life is that?) I do want people to continue reading it. And that requires some semblance of consistency (although not as much as you'd think). So I say, do whatever you like.

Does that help?


Daylan said...

ha! there are three people leaving comments now. that means more than 2 people read your blog. i am guilty of only updating my blog every other week, maybe every week, so i say it's your blog, do what you want. i love reading anything you write, but i am biased. maybe you shouldn't listen to me.

Darin said...

Well, as a completely infrequent, unloyal reader I puruse only short blogs -- except when reading the long ones.

lori said...

Whether or not I truly "read" a long blog or simply "skim" has not as much to do with the "entertainment skills of the blogger" as with the "time available" to me, "the reader."

So, blog to your heart's content.

Also, check out this very good blog that my friend, Tamie, found:

MJ said...

I think I mostly agree with Jannell. Occasionally long blogs are good - but if they are all long all the time it's harder to draw the reader in.. :)