Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I need a Compass

Sometimes I think it's a real shame I don't know any rich people. Of course, those times are when I need things or want things, and often when I've forgotten that God works out some pretty crazy things on a regular basis.

So I have several dilemmas, the lions-share of which could be solved with large amounts of cash, or at least decent sized little hillocks of money.

First dilemma: Daylan (sister and bestest friend extraordinaire) wants me to come to Kenya again for Christmas this year. I would LOVE to come. The issue of whether I'll come, however, is not even closely dependent upon how much I want to come. It's a spendy little journey. Today I was looking, yet again, to see how much it would cost me to get to Nairobi. I actually figured out a way to get as far as Amsterdam for $775, round trip. THAT is quite reasonable. Not bad at all. However, Amsterdam's a little less than halfway there. The second half of the journey, I've discovered, runs no less than $3100, round trip. Ah. A slight increase. I realize holiday travel anywhere warm will run high, but seriously folks. Maybe someone who can afford those sorts of tickets can buy one for me too. I make a delightful traveling companion, don't complain about ridiculously small spaces for long legs, and exude the fresh scent of pine wherever I go. I'll even bring my guitar and serenade you, the rich European reading this silly American's blog, for the entire nine hour flight. I will. Believe that. Anyway, unless Daylan can meet me halfway (which wouldn't be a bad idea anyway, wink, wink... Paris, London, Amsterdam, Rome, wherever is realistic for both parties), and barring the support of the independently wealthy (though those of you who are dependently wealthy should not consider yourselves completely out of the game), there will probably be no Daylan present in my Christmas plans.

Second dilemma: I need to upgrade my computer equipment. Up to this point, I've only mentioned how ludicrous (Thank Bill Gates for spell-check. I just spelled ludicrous like the misspelled name of the rap artist of homophonic nomenclature. Oh, and according to a previous phrase, one might make the mistake of equating Bill Gates with God, as in the phrase, "Thank God for..." but very few things could be further from the truth... though I'm now quite tempted to think of those things which would be further from the truth. Suggestions?) are the thousands of dollars required to get to Kenya around Christmas. What I haven't mentioned is how little actual cash money I have. I believe I have around a couple hundred dollars to my name, and it should stay around that until the end of November, according to my calculations. A far cry from the pre-Bible Camp documentary days. Did I used to be fabulously wealthy? Maybe just pleasantly wealthy, or financially secure. But after buying a ton of video equipment and producing a DVD which has not only proven unpopular (strictly from a sales perspective, I assure you), but whose proceeds are largely going to a camp and not to cost recovery. Not that I'm whining, but those of you who know me well know I am a whiner by nature. Anyway, he said after a typically long-winded though eloquent rabbit trail, I ain't got no money, and need a new computer. I'm trying to join Pioneers, a mission organization that has recently assembled a media division I want to be a part of. This will require me to be portable, which currently I am not, unless I can buy a donkey to haul all my junk around all the time. I would name him Compass, not because of his directional skills, but because his job would be hauling my hefty COMPuter around. Anyway, the computer I am looking at getting is a spendy little bugger, and, in my current work situation, I have no way of affording it anytime soon, if ever. On top of that, I want to upgrade my video camera and one of my microphones if possible, though that's more of a want than a need at this point.

Basically I need a miracle to pull off any of this. So, if you're so inclined, give a shout out for me as you pray. Not only could I use the miracle for practical purposes, but it would also be a pretty compelling reason to believe even more strongly in the sovereign power of the Almighty.

I'll let y'all know if anything develops. Peace, brethren.

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