Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sweet Juicy Clarification

Yesterday I had a wonderful video conference with the PI communications people in Orlando. It's been a long time since we all have spoken, a bit too long, actually. Having been in Chiang Mai recently, a lot of questions and thoughts have been lingering on the tip of my brain, and I wanted to get them out before they disappeared into the recesses of my brain.

Actually, yesterday was just a great day overall. I went to bed early and got up at 5:00, (Hopefully it won't be happening again anytime soon. Thanks jet-lag!!!) spent a long while thinking about the questions I had, and then went on a 40 minute walk in the crisp Central Oregon air, smelling faintly of juniper. I've discovered recently that I do some of my best thinking while walking, so I spent a while praying, truly grateful to my creator for his answers to prayer. So when I got back home, I was ready for our conversation, despite it being at 7am Pacific time.

It was wonderful having the time to really process through my thoughts and questions, though it meant Matt and Caryn would get a bit of an earful of substantial questions. They were able to give me significant clarification on some issues, and not as much on others, though they weren't even aware these were things to ponder before I asked them. It was a great conversation, and I was totally energized afterward. Not all of my questions were answered, but the turbid waters of my poor little brain experienced a small stream of clarity, sweet juicy clarity.

This morning I got an email explaining my stint in Orlando before heading to the field. It will be a time to "get a taste of what happens from the mobilization end of things, and also get a greater idea of the intended audiences for the pieces [I'll] be creating." I'm excited at the prospect of spending time in Orlando with purpose, and this is such a great reason for staying in there for a bit. Feeling a couple steps closer to the field, I had begun to feel like time in Orlando was going to be a bit of a waste of time, one more thing to keep me from the field, but now I'm excited about the prospect. Thank God for the wisdom of others. So now I'll be in Orlando for as little as 2 months with purpose and direction. Woo hoo! And now you're all caught up and the various goings on of the last hour.



1 comment:

JBL said...

That's good stuff Dayn. 2 months would be sweet! GREAT crew down there in Orlando. It's awesome to hear your excitement - God is good.

Grace & Peace,