Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Bit Disconnected

So I've been feeling pretty disconnected lately. Perhaps my quasi-restriction to the house (back injury) has gotten me a bit down, despite the daily marked improvement. Maybe it's just one of those periods of time wherein I just feel kind of blah, like some sort of living purgatory. I am increasingly having difficulty being content where I am now. I am at a church with a lot of great people, but I'm the only single person my age there. Hanging out with married people is complicated, as they have other people to be responsible for, and I don't. Nothing against married people, but it's kind of a lonely place. I miss my home church in Portland and all my friends there. I don't have regular work hours and don't get paid very well. And I don't like complaining, but I suppose right now I just want to make my feelings known, to know that a couple people out there will pray for me. Just hard to be satisfied where I'm at.

And yes, I know my trip to Thailand in a week will be incredible, so I have that to look forward to. Just have to try to pick myself up out of this stew of dissatisfaction.


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