Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Letter is Out!

Hey everybody! (can a "Hi Dr. Nick!" from anyone? Please?)

This should be a short one. Finished the letter and it's in the mail. Thanks so much to the few of you who have given me their addresses lately. I'm discovering that I have a large number of people wanting to pray for me, and a relatively small number of people's addresses. Please, please, please get me your address! If you don't receive a letter within the next week or so, I don't have your address and have therefore not sent you a prayer/support letter. I only plan to send out a couple real physical snail-mail letters per year, but if you want one right away, send me your email address and I'll email you a pdf of the letter. (Though who will deny a full-color paper letter in the mail?)

Other than getting the letter out, not much great news as of late. Spent this weekend in Portland, spent time with friends and family, caught my first Blazer game in 17 years, played on the worship team at my wonderful home church, The Well, and a smattering of other activities of varying degrees of interestingness. Please continue to pray for Mandi and me as we get closer to traveling to Thailand. The trip is in less than four weeks now, creeping up quickly. How can I be praying for you all?

(One more reminder, please get me your address!!!)

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